6th Grade Core Content

English Language Arts (0130)

This course integrates the five English/Language Arts processes (reading, writing, listening, speaking, and language) and the two contents (language and literature) in a thematic organization of units based on the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts. Instruction in reading and writing strategies, grammar, and vocabulary is embedded in every unit. Students read, analyze, and study different genres, culturally diverse texts, and modern media related to each of the themes.  They will also complete required writing tasks. The writing tasks focus primarily on the writing process for three types of writing—argument, narrative, and informative / explanatory to address a variety of language skills. Students have opportunities to present their work orally and through various technology tools.

Mathematics 6 (0311)

In grade six, instructional time focuses on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio, rate, and percentage to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers ; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking. Students also work toward fluency with multi-digit division and multi-digit operations. Students in grade six build on a strong foundation to prepare for higher mathematics. Grade six is an especially important year for bridging the concrete concepts of arithmetic and the abstract thinking of algebra.

Science (0510)

The sixth grade science program will be aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. The focus of science is on understanding systems and system models (a Crosscutting Concept) through the study of energy, Earth’s systems, and the systems of living organisms. Students will also explore how humans impact various systems. Students will use the Science and Engineering Practices as an integral part of the learning process. Computer technology is used as a tool to support student projects. Sixth graders are required by the district to complete a science fair project, which will occur during the first trimester.

World Cultures (0613)

Using the California Social Studies Framework and Common Core Content Standards, students study the birth of the major western and non-western ancient civilizations. Emphasis is placed on how the geography, economy, political systems, social structures, and cultural achievements of each ancient civilization connect to present day. Connections are made to the impact these civilizations have on modern day. Students learn how to investigate historical questions by employing reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating and they learn to evaluate multiple perspectives on historical issues and make claims backed by documentary evidence.